Thursday, January 17, 2008

Feels like the first time

So, here it is. A project years in the making, now taking on it's latest incarnation.
For the one or two of you that have actually made it this far (I can't in my wildest imagination conceive that there are more than that ), you may wonder what the heck this blog is.

Well, let me tell you.

I don't know.

(sorry couldn't resist that).

For years and years, I have been thinking about theology.Coming from a good Christian church, I've noticed that there are lots and lots of questions that bounce around my brain that no one else seems interested in. Or perhaps, they don't know how to answer. Or possibly, they're avoiding. I'm not totally sure, but suspect it is a combination of all of these.

In any case, this blog is my attempt to capture some of the questions and come up with answers where I can.

So, if you're here looking for canned pop-religion, you're in the wrong place. If you're here looking for close-minded dictatorial dogma, you're in the wrong place. If you're looking to give me, money... well, we can talk ;-)

You may think the questions I am asking are silly. You may think I'm just being dense. And you may be right. But I want to look in all the corners and understand it. I guess, if you can't accept that, then just believe that everyone needs a hobby and this is mine.

If you are not a Christian, you are welcome here. In fact, it may give you some questions or answers of your own. But understand that this will be focused on Christian theology. Perhaps, I am a theological bigot. But, honestly, I have to write about what I know. It would make no more sense for me to write about Islam than it would for me to write about ancient history of the planet Zoton. I simply don't know enough about either.
That said, I do read non-Christian authors and others that the core church goers either don't know about or don't like. Even the title of the blog is a loose nod to Sorein Kierkegaard, who wrote a book called philosophical fragments.

So if you've found yourself here, put your feet up, grab your favorite beverage and open your mind to some explorations. Add me to your RSS reader. Or ignore me. I won't be offended much either way, but I would LOVE to hear any arguments, counter-thoughts, questions and whatever. To that end, I had thought of starting a forum rather than a blog, but two things bothered me. First, I figured it'd be a party with me as the only guest anyway. Second, I would suspect that the only guest that would show up would be a porn site spammer or a person who was just out to be obstinate and find a place to rant. And I didn't want to spend the time policing it.

So we start with a blog and see where it leads. Could be that I'll add a forum later. Or that it will entirely disappear,

But if you're here and find it interesting, drop me a note. I'd love to hear from you.